
SMACS Symposium on the Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science

About the Symposium: SMACS is a meeting on the mathematical aspects of computer science that is held in the Philippines organise by the Computing Society of the Philippines

The symposium is divided into two parts: a workshop and a seminar. The workshop will consist of lectures on fundamental areas of computer science which are mathematical in character. The lectures will be synoptic and tutorial in nature and will cover topics from courses that are sometimes offered as upper division undergraduate courses.  The seminar will consist of paper presentations on researches in the mathematical aspects of computer science. There will be invited talks on the current and still potent area of mathematical aspects of computer science.

SMACS provides a venue for teachers, researchers and graduate students of Computer Science, Computing, and Mathematics to share and upgrade knowledge on areas of Computer Science which are mathematical or theoretical in character.

Since 2004, SMACS is held every two years.

Topic of Interest (but not limited to) : Computability, Automata Theory and Formal Languages, Complexity Theory, Theory of Algorithms, Parallel Algorithms, Numerical Analysis, Combinatorial Optimization, Network Theory, Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, Logic and Logic Programming, Theory of Programming Languages, Coding Theory, Cryptography and Computer Security, Discrete Mathematic for Computer Science, Computational Mathematics, New Challenges (BioInformatics, Heuristics,  P Systems, Quantum Computation etc.)

Past Meetings:

Convenors of SMACS are